


The word Veda means “Knowledge”. Ayurveda is the total knowledge of the body including 8 wings of medicine, surgery, pediatrics, Geriatrics, toxicology, gynecology and para-psychology.

Ayurveda is formed by 2 word Ayu + Veda.

Ayu is the protoplasmic life and Veda is the knowledge about the life and its presentation through adopting natural laws are the means of good health. It is an art and science of life leading to good health, Ayurveda is a fashion of healthy living in term of food, sleep and elimination.

The health hygiene principles of food, sleep and balance in life are the fundamental laws of leading to a healthy long life.

Ayurveda teaches the simple principles of early to bed and early to rise i.e. to get up in the early morning in Brahma Muhurta, to clean by brushing the teeth, cleaning the body by elimination of wasteful matter, taking daily oil massage, cleaning the body by bath, putting on clean clothing and other means of safety of health.

The aim of Ayurveda is to keep the three body Doshas in a normal, balanced state resulting in balance of the seven basic tissues of sapta dhatus and a balanced combination of Pancha Mahabhutas – and thus freedom from disease. Ayurveda also encourages a balanced diet of the six rasa (tastes).